24 de nov. de 2008

Nada(,) de novo

Não escrevo por falta do que dizer.
Se quiserem saber o que há da minha vida, leiam o histórico.
( [1] . [2] . [3] . [4] . [5] . [6] . [7] . [8] . [9] . [10] )
Nada mudou.

Alguém me dá um motivo pra sonhar?

19 de nov. de 2008

Fell Good Inc.

Ugly. Geek. Boring.
Fat. Bald. Short.
Shy. Lazy. Poor.
No fancy job.
No girlfriend.

Yeah, I feel pretty damn good today.


12 de nov. de 2008

Nervous Breakdown

  • Disinterest in work or family life
  • Disinterest in social life or alienation from previously close friends and family
  • Sleep disruption or much longer periods of sleep
  • Significant changes in appetite, such as eating too little or too much
  • Paranoid thoughts, such as the thought people are trying to harm you
  • Thoughts of grandeur or invincibility
  • Feelings of persistent anxiety or panic attacks
  • Hearing voices
  • Seeing people who are not there
  • Thoughts of dying or wish to die
  • Exhibiting strong or violent anger
  • Having flashbacks to a prior traumatic event
  • Increasing dependence on alcohol or drugs
  • Inability to pursue a normal life, normal activities or normal relationships